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        您的當前位置:巴特首頁 > 技術支持 > 熔體泵知識 >

        熔體泵控制系統 Melt Pump Control System

        來源:鄭州巴特熔體齒輪計量泵 發布時間:2013-11-02 09:08:31 瀏覽次數:


          * 行業標準

          * 降低維護要求

          * 人機界面友善

          * 操作簡易可靠

          * 運行成本低

          S series control system is new generation of PLC control system which is specially designed for melt pumps.

          * Industry leader

          * Lower maintenance requirements

          * Friendly human-machine interface

          * Simple and reliable operation

          * Low cost

          S60 控制系統










          S60 Control System

          * 2-4 closed-loop pressure controls

          * Top and bottom Limitation pressure alarm

          * 20-30 independent temperature comparators

          * Flow Control

          * Human-machine interface

          * Start-up and shutdown automatically

          * Continuous monitoring of process values

          * Monitoring of operation and troubleshooting

          * Adapt to more complex extrusion or compound system

          S20控制系統 So 20 Control System








          * 2 Closed-loop pressure controls

          * Top and bottom limitation pressure alarm

          * 3 separate temperature controls

          * Flow Control

          * Start-up and shut-down automatically

          * Human-machine interface

          * Continuous monitoring of the process values

          S10熔體泵控制系統So10 Control System






          Closed-loop control of two pressure

          * 2 closed-loop pressure controls

          * Flow Control

          * Top and bottom limitation pressure alarm

          * Human-machine interface

          變頻驅動模式 The Variable Frequency Drive Mode:

          * 節能、降耗

          * 降低電源容量要求

          * 降低成本,優化驅動方案

          * 矢量控制、編碼器閉環可選

          Save energy and reduce consumption

          * Reduce the requirements of power capacity

          * Reduce costs, optimize drive scheme

          * Vector control, encoder closed-loop (optional)

          伺服驅動模式The Servo Drive Mode:

          * 高精度 高速度

          * 更高的動態響應

          * 低速大扭矩

          * High-precision, high-velocity

          * Higher dynamic response

          * Low speed and big torque

          * To following technology with high speed pressure

        主要聯系方式: 國內銷售部:0371-67993077 67993177
        國外銷售部:0371-61682066 61682088

        相關熱詞搜索:控制系統 Melt Pump

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