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        您的當前位置:巴特首頁 > 技術支持 > 泵!知多少 >


        來源:巴特計量泵、齒輪泵公司 發布時間:2013-11-13 14:33:53 瀏覽次數:
          How to choose the fluid treatment system of modern food processing device of the pump, design personnel and the equipment operators and managers face a variety of health related responsibility, the responsibility has been beyond the scope of common industrial products manufacturing. As consumers of the final products are public, product contamination must be avoided, corrosion is not allowed, pump and piping system can cause fluid retention and the breeding of bacteria of the cracks and dead is not acceptable.
          In addition to the choice of food contact material selection and processing, food industry has to choose the system maintenance, for delivery of acidic and alkaline cleaning fluid pipelines and storage equipment, and can meet the use of chemicals corrosive environmental standards for sewage treatment equipment.
          Food requirements of the application of pumps, their material should not react chemically with the products or in any way affect product taste, color and other characteristics. Non food contact fluid equipment design factors which reduce the repair and parking time, increase yield and reduce the cost, there are a lot of related knowledge and service suppliers to determine the factors.
          A use by another application
          People interested in plastic pump began 50 years ago, when making a Vanton flexible linear spiral rotary pump to meet the heart / lung operation of pump in the strict requirements. This unique original pump but simple structural constraints fluid contacts only the two basic components: solid plastic pump body and rough synthetic rubber molded lining. It solves the pollution-free treatment with human blood or blood related effects of two main problems. First, it avoids all the dangerous metal pollution, because contact materials on the blood does not produce pollution or chemical reaction with. Secondly, it sports a soft in the blood does not harm the process of blood cells. Another reason for this pump is accepted is its simple structure. It does not contain the valve, sealing, packing and gasket. The demolition and re cleaning quick and easy assembly.
          Since then, the chemical material manufacturer giants like DuPont, Doyle, Atofina and other chemical company's help, the new field was opened. They used to deal with corrosion in the development of chemicals: wide range of thermoplastic materials acid, alkali, salt, solvent and so on in the forefront.
          Advance in technology
          Designer pumps put into these new materials design cost - efficiency of pump in, meet the growing demand for the processing industry. Today there are about 150000 of the flexible linear pump -- total capacity of 40GPM -- used in the United States, and approximately doubled the number of pump in use in europe. In addition to the flow conditions at low flow rates using these thermal plastic rotating spiral pump down to handle a wider range of sensitive and corrosive fluid, in order to deal with the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and related technology and industrial companies are demanding higher transport flow, the non metal pump is a new structure. Pump manufacturers to respond to this request.
          Design of thermal plastic centrifugal pumps available in the form of horizontal and vertical structure, can be used for flow rate up to 1500GPM, head of 400ft, at a temperature of 275 ° F or slightly high can be continuous or intermittent use. Layout models they can to comply with the ANSI process pump, can be no sealing mechanism and automatic starting device is arranged in the electromagnetic drive. Vertical pumps have run dry capability, and has the unique structure of the sectional axis the permitted length for 50ft. All of these types can be used in the food industry, because of its design and structure fluid does not contact the metal components.
          Typical applications
          Viscous mustard and vinegar
          Flexible linear shaped rotary pump Lo allow it to deal with the viscous 6000SSU clear and fluid, slurry and small particles have uniform fluid. In this device, clear vinegar to ground level storage, and then use the pump into the top floor of a storage tank. And it is because of gravity flow of ingredients cans, cans of ingredients to add mustard seeds and salt. These mixed ingredients into a mixing / mixing tank, conveyor belt on the bottle made of mustard products are pumped into a hopper and into the moving in.
          August Barer & Sons公司安裝的泵要求在50PSI的壓力和粘度為5000SSU的條件下能處理的流量為10GPM。只有兩個部件接觸了腐蝕性流體。它們都是塑料。較厚部分的聚丙烯泵體的壽命是無限的,因為它不與食品發生反應而且其光滑的內部也減少了磨損。合成橡膠撓性襯里也不與食品發生反應但是襯里皺曲會抽去產品的一部分,特別是流體中含有研磨粉時。該公司提供的一份服務報告說,處理清醋的這種泵在其運行的前20年只需要更換一次襯里。盡管處理粘稠芥末的泵要求定期并按計劃更換襯里,這種工作可以在現場用幾分鐘完成,而不需要特殊工具。
          August Barer & Sons, installation of the pump requires 50PSI pressure and viscosity of treatment to 5000SSU under the conditions of flow rate of 10GPM. Only two parts in contact with the corrosive fluid. They are all plastic. The thicker part of the life of polypropylene pump body is infinite, because it does not react with food and its smooth interior also reduces wear and tear. Flexible synthetic rubber lining does not react with food but a part of the song will be lining wrinkle removing product, especially when the fluid contains abrasive powder. A service report provided by the company said, this pump clear vinegar treatment at 20 years ago the only need to replace a liner. Although the pump requires processing viscous mustard regularly and according to plan to replace the lining, this work can be accomplished in a few minutes in the field, without the need for special tools.

          Tuscan Dairies是一家美國的較大的地區奶制品加工商,要求每天的生產結束之后要進行清洗。Tuscan的標準步驟要求洗滌流體處理系統并且拆卸、清洗、再安裝所使用的設備。這個過程因使用強堿和強酸溶液以及各種化學品在廢液流入廢水系統之前進行中和而加快。撓性線型泵非常適合于把各種化學品輸送到儲罐并把它們從這些儲罐中排掉??捎糜谶@種襯里的合成橡膠材料有7種,可用于泵體的材料有4種。

        主要聯系方式: 國內銷售部:0371-67993077 67993177
        國外銷售部:0371-61682066 61682088

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